That's Life: The O.L. Jaggers Story—Michael P. Daley
Published by Boo-Hooray, 2011.
A color-illustrated biography of the Reverend Orval Lee Jaggers, founder of the Universal World Church. Jaggers, known for his apocalyptic, science-fiction tinged sermons and Sinatra-inspired lounge-flavored church music, mounted a massive architectural project in Los Angeles, attempting to construct God's city on earth only to find himself mired in legal battles throughout the late 1950s. The Universal World Church drew not only migrant populations in search of healing, but LA youths admiring the psychedelic properties of the liturgies. Daley's biography covers the span of Jaggers' early evangelical days on the tent circuit through the establishment of the LA church and up until his death in Glendale. Comes with a laid-in handbill containing the lyrics to Jaggers' song "That's Life."